2010年6月19日 星期六

function pinter in c (or c++)

funpt.c: a demo of function pointer

to compile:
gcc -o funpt funpt.c -lm

Ching-Han Hsu, Ph.D. (c) 2010


double fun1(double (*fp)(double), double x)
printf("in fun1\n");
return fp(x);

double sqcos(double x)
printf("squared cos\n");
return (cos(x) * cos(x));

int main (int argc, char** argv)

printf("cos 2.0 = %.3f\n", cos(2.0));
printf("cos 2.0 = %.3f\n", fun1(cos, 2.0));
printf("squared cos 2.0 = %.3f\n", fun1(sqcos, 2.0));

return 0;
